With the beautiful season, the desire for a nice motorbike trip returns that makes us feel the thrill of traveling kilometers and kilometers alone or in company. Italy offers a multitude of itineraries and routes suitable for an adventure on two wheels but often to get away from everyday life you need a nice trip away from home and therefore abroad becomes the best choice to satisfy that desire for freedom.
In this article we will offer you a series of information on the rules to respect and the equipment to have when traveling abroad, specifically here we will talk about trips to other European countries.
Starting from the documents that must be brought with you during the trip, it should be noted that Italian documents are fine for European Union countries, i.e. identity card, motorbike registration document and Italian driving license, the latter being valid also in non-EU countries such as the United Kingdom and Switzerland as reported on the sheets relating to these countries present on the specific website dependent on the italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A passport, however, is necessary in those countries that are not part of the Schengen area, a list of which can be found on the European Parliament website.
The Italian insurance, which as we have said remains valid for the countries of the Union, must be integrated in other cases by the Green Card or that document which certifies the validity of the motorcycle liability insurance even outside the European economic area. For those traveling with a motorbike registered in the name of another owner, a delegation to drive the vehicle may be required as an additional document, which in non-EU countries must be authenticated by a notary.
As far as speed limits are concerned, the regulations are different from country to country; it is certainly necessary to first reiterate the difference between three types of roads, namely urban, extra-urban and motorway. In Italy the limits on urban roads generally include not exceeding 50 km/h and this also remains valid for much of the rest of Europe with some exceptions. The situation becomes quite varied if you look at the limits on extra-urban roads and motorways, where the speeds not to be exceeded change from country to country. For motorway limits, the most widespread is the 130 km/h ceiling which becomes the recommended speed in Germany where there is no real limit. The highest speed not to be exceeded is certainly that of Poland where the threshold rises to 140 km/h. However, the advice is to check these limits from time to time and country by country, to this end it may be useful to consult the map on the Swiss Touring Club website.
In addition to the essential documents for traveling by motorbike, there are some accessories that the traveler must always have with him. Obviously, a motorcyclist who intends to start a journey must have the right equipment and our store offers you a wide choice of products to choose from.
Alongside correct equipment for traveling abroad, some necessary equipment is needed: a reflective vest or a first aid kit are the most common ones but the norm varies depending on the country: among the nations that require more unusual equipment there is undoubtedly Romania where two reflective triangles and even a fire extinguisher is required on board the motorbike.
Before wishing you a good trip, the Motostorm team advises you to always check the regulations in force in the country you intend to travel to and to fully enjoy the thrill of a beautiful adventure on your motorbike!
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